Another early start today, although maybe 15 minutes or so later than yesterday. This was partly due to our sleepiness when the alarm went off at 6am, and partly due to having to turn back when I remembered that we’d forgotten the sun cream (not that we ended up needing it!).
After much deliberation last night, we’d decided to return to our first viewing spot from yesterday, between Eau Rouge and Les Combes. We think this will be our place for tomorrow too, especially as the straight is a DRS zone (for non-F1 fans, this hopefully means that there will be lots of over-taking right in front of us!). Unlike yesterday, the gates were already open when we arrived at around 7:25 and our bank was already beginning to fill up, but we grabbed a good place for our chairs and settled down. Within about 10 minutes of tucking into our breakfast of jam butties, I was fast asleep – early mornings really don’t suit me! When I woke up properly (nearly an hour later), I couldn’t believe how busy it was! We were surrounded by fans from all over Europe and enjoyed listening to the different languages that were being chattered away in.
First was qualifying for this afternoon’s GP3 race. We’ve been really quite impressed by the speed and the quality of driving in both this and the GP2 series, but the GP3 is particularly close because the cars are identical, so it’s just down to set up and driver skill.
Next came the final practice for the F1 cars. The crowd were most enthusiastic, with plenty of huge flags being waved and lots of cheering (particularly for the Ferraris). Although it was grey, the weather had stayed fine and the session was busy with cars pouring round the track.
Then lunch. A grand prix is definitely a good place to go if you enjoy people watching, and this weekend has been no exception. Formula 1 fans are a very mixed breed. You have the over-prepared groups, with everything from huge cool boxes tied to long wooden poles or pulled on sack trolleys, to tarpaulins with string to create huge shelters from the rain. Then you have the people in shorts and t-shirts who are sitting on bits of cardboard! Near us today were a big groups of lads who had been drinking since dawn (I don’t understand getting drunk at such an exciting event – they won’t remember any of it!).
However, in front of us was a couple of health enthusiasts who only drank water and their lunch gave us a good half hour of entertainment. They started with rice cakes. Next, she took an avocado from their cool bag, which she proceeded to chop neatly (to the amusement of the possibly-German couple sitting next to them, who were munching on cured sausages!). She then shared this between two large sandwich bags of salad (his slightly larger), before producing another sandwich bag that contained a jar of home-made salad dressing, which she added to her concoctions. They finally sat and delicately ate their way through their lunch, using proper forks of course! We ate our sandwiches quite happily!
Other amusing sights included a beer trolley being pulled that the wheels weren’t bolted on to but simply rested on the splines – this meant that every 5-10 yards, either one or both of the wheels fell off! We also enjoyed watching several drunk people try to stagger their way up the steep bank below us to the path behind us – each successful assent caused a rapturous applause from the crowd.
Tom decided that this was a good time for a nap, but his sleep was rudely interrupted by howls of laughter from both me and the rest of the crowd. The tannoy system has been unreliable all weekend, with it cutting out frequently and at the most inopportune moments, but this one was definitely the funniest: the commentator was heard to say, “If you’re having trouble hearing our commentary, you can tune your radios to 87 point –“ Helpful!
After the Porsche Supercup qualifying came the main event – F1 Quali! Just as the 10 minute announcement was given, the heavens opened and the track was drenched – perfect timing; this was going to be an exciting session! Umbrellas and waterproofs were quickly deployed, with the family in front of us wrapping themselves in their tarpaulin, but the shower didn’t last too long, so the times quickly tumbled and your time depended on what point you braved slick tyres (with most people waiting, until Webber was the first guinea pig). There were a couple of surprises through to second quail, but the top runners were as expected.
The second session was dry and reasonably predictable, although a couple of big names gave us a fright by leaving it until the last minute!
At 2:45, the commentators announced that rain was due at 3pm, about 30 seconds before the downpour began again! Although it was again reasonably short lived, it made for another exciting 10 minutes! Again, times tumbled as the 10 cars that were left created a dry line around the track, and we were amazed how soon they braved the slicks. It seemed a foregone conclusion that Vettel would be on pole, but Hamilton clinched it in the dying seconds. Whether wet (most likely) or dry, tomorrow’s race is going to be thrilling!
There were still GP2 and GP3 races to go, but many people disappeared after the F1 was finished, leaving us with even better views. GP2 was eventful and amusing, mainly due to the terrible pit-stops (they’d be fired in F1!). We had decided to leave after the start of the GP3 race, but the first 10 minutes were really eventful, with two periods of safety cars. At one point one of the back wings flew off a damaged car on the straight right in front of us! My heart stopped as it looked like it was going to be flung straight over the fence opposite, but it thankfully landed miles before and a marshal was quickly dispatched to rescue it (they’re a brave breed). Knowing we needed both fuel and an early night, we headed off before the end of the race, with a quick detour to Stavelo for petrol on our way back to the cottage.
I began writing this blog entry in the garden, with a nice glass of Crémant d’Alsace. As I began to type, the black clouds and rumbling thunder rolled in from all directions, and 15 minutes ago I had to beat a hasty retreat inside as the huge raindrops began to fall. We’ve been watching an epic storm through the patio doors, which is still raging on. Just another memorable experience to add to the ridiculous amount that we’ve had so far already this holiday. We can’t wait for the race tomorrow, but also can’t believe this amazing experience is coming to an end. I don’t think it’ll be long before we begin planning for the next one 🙂
- I know it still looks quiet, but this was much busier than first thing yesterday!
- Sleepy Lois!
- GP3
- GP3
- GP3
- Getting busy now!
- See!
- F1 practice.
- F1 practice.
- F1 practice.
- F1 practice.
- Enthusiastic fans!
- Porsche Supercup.
- Porsche Supercup.
- The rain begins…
- Who cares when you have a HUGE umbrella!
- Good spray from the F1 cars during qualifying.
- Mmmmm…cold hot dogs!
- Where else does a man keep his hot dog tin?!
- Grid for the GP2
- GP2
- GP2
- Safety car during GP3
- Close racing GP3 cars.
- Celebrating the night before the big race!
- As I begin the blog, the storm rolls in…
- …closer and closer…
- ..then hits!
Looks great guys, I hope your school kids can’t read this Lois “martial” !!!!!!
Just watched the race shame there was no rain as it was like practice for Vettel 🙂
I blame wine and Tom – he proof read it 🙂
Looks like you two have had a holiday of a lifetime Lois. I am really jealous, have a great time for your last few days, at least we won’t need to sit through the holiday snaps as we have already seen them 🙂
Oh. We had a three hour long slide show planned for you…
Hehe! It really has been amazing. We don’t want to come home!